Kamis, 08 September 2016

Benefits of Banana

Benefits of Banana
Image From: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Benefits Bananas. Fruit that has a characteristic that is colored bright yellow skin and flesh of the banana which also has a yellow color somewhat paler indeed become a favorite fruit of Indonesian society. It has many types of bananas that are well known in Indonesia, such as no banana kepok, muli banana, banana, banana sunprize, and others. This kind of variety, the variety of all benefits gained.  food from bananas also vary, can be eaten directly or used as a raw material of the cake with bananas, such as banana cake, banana cake, banana fritters, Molen, and others. So clearly the favorite because of diverse types and processing that does not make it due to saturated bananas have a distinctive taste of sweetness, and makes it delicious to be a healthy snack.

In addition to having good taste of bananas it also contains nutrients that are good for the body. Turns usefulness not only for health but also be good for beauty treatments. Any benefits of bananas for the body, let's consider the following information.

Benefits of Bananas

Reduces Menstrual Pain

Most women would feel ever feel pain during menstruation. Sometimes the pain was the attacker in the stomach down to the waist. Menstrual period pain can be felt at the beginning of the first day and the second at the time of menstruation. So if you have often experienced it, from now on you can anticipate by eating bananas at your menstruation, and the pain will gradually disappear.

Streamlining Circulatory

There potassium and potassium that can help the metabolism of blood circulation. In which the circulation of oxygen to the brain will be smooth. If the blood circulation is normal and optimal working, it would be good also in the heart. So keep you from the risk of stroke.

Improve Mood

Research says pregnant women can be susceptible to stress. Especially for young mothers who have not been accustomed to experiencing pregnancy which then causes sick morning. This means that there  abnormal perch and the resulting stress. But if you eat bananas stress will be reduced, this could also be useful in addition to pregnant women.

Streamlining Digestive

There is a fiber content can accelerate intestinal systems work after eating a banana. Moreover consumed every day it will help the workings of the digestive tract.

Benefits of Banana to Preventing Heart Disease
Image From: gymflow100.com

Preventing Heart Disease

Vitamin C and flavonoids allegedly able to be an antioxidant in the body that prevents the formation of fat oxidation in the body that affects the heart. The content contained in bananas benefits that we consume.

Brightening Face

In addition to the health of the world banana is also capable of working in the world of beauty with efficacy can brighten the skin. Where treatment if the banana skin breakouts will treat inflammation then eliminate acne scars and remove dead skin cells that make skin look dull. How life can be consumed directly or made mask. Do it regularly for maximum results.

That was the information regarding the benefits and efficacy of bananas is good for health or beauty. In addition to the above benefits there are also other benefits that are not less important, especially for women, because the banana is suitable for women who want to do a diet program.

Usually when a diet is no ordinance that any diet program will make your heartburn rise, but by eating bananas to diet it can be reduced because there are active substances that reduce the acid causing heartburn. Because the banana is no excessive calories is not being able to control it ideal body weight. The benefits and usefulness will be most evident if consumed every day.

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