Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

Good and Bad Alcohol Effects for Health

 benefits of alcohol for health
Image From: mauriziotommasini.

Good and Bad Alcohol Effects for Health - There are many reasons people drink alcohol. Perhaps because they enjoy it, the demands of the Association, or busting stress and last issue of life, or to get social benefits of alcohol.

Unfortunately, the drinks are considered this soothes the soul can save a lot of danger for the body if taken in excess levels of healthy organs, especially the liver.

Public consumption of alcoholic beverages is not the community in Indonesia. But for who want to get the benefits of alcohol, it is important to know the exact rate ofconsumption for the sake of avoiding the bad effects.

Drinking alcohol can affect the heart in ways good and bad. On the one hand, research shows that moderate drinking — up to two glasses a day for men and one drinkfor women — can lower the chances affected by heart disease. On the other hand, heavy drinking — either all at once or over time — can damage the liver. Long termuse of alcohol can also cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of someone affected by heart disease.

According to Dr. F.J. Henk Hendriks (TNO Nutrition and Food Research,Netherlands), consuming alcohol in amounts by measure, the average will be able to raise the levels of hormones. It is believed to help the artery blood.

Good Benefits of Alcohol

Consuming alcoholic beverages in amounts to taste will get good benefits of alcohol and also can lower the risk of blockage of blood flow in the arterial channels from inflammation, a number of other acids in the blood, and blood clotting. Alcohol is also believed to increase DHEAS (dehydro-epiandrosterone) which has the benefits of smooth blood circulation in the body. DHEAS levels in human body related to the age factor, where the older the age of declining levels of DHEAS.

"A little bit of alcohol may be beneficial, but if too much will obviously be toxic," said Dr. Scott Solomon, a Professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of the non-invansif cardiology at the Brigham, as quoted by Time.

Everyone has different reactions towards alcohol. This can be affected by height, weight, gender, and several other factors. Even what you eat or how much sleep you got that day could provide the difference in reaction to your body.

Researchers led by Dr. Scott Solomon give a hint about it and has been published in the journal Circulation. The results obtained are not so good. In men, their heart is working harder than in the heart of the non-drinkers. While in females, these changes appear when they start drinking about one glass a day. A clear, more than two glasses per day is the limit for men, and for women, probably lower than that.

Disadvantages of Alcohol
Image From: media.salon.com

Disadvantages of Alcohol

When drinking alcohol, the body will subjugate them into the blood stream and distribute it throughout the body. In fact, in any small measure, it will affect every part of the body. Alcohol out of the body through the urine and breath in a small amount.It can also lead to physical and emotional changes that can damage the body and place them in serious danger.

Alcohol is broken down by the liver went to the rest of the body, including the brain. Alcohol can affect parts of the brain that controls movement, judgment, and memory. These effects lead to difficulty walking, talking memory lapses, Lisp, and impulsive behavior. Long term heavy drinking can shrink the frontal lobe of the brain, which interferes with the ability to think.

In addition to the brain, the organ that belongs to very complex is breathtaking. This organ functioning help the digestive process food, filter toxins from the blood, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, and helps the body fight infections and other diseases attack.

The illustrations such as this, you are downing drinks alcohol, this liquid will be absorbed into the blood stream. Alcohol in high concentrations will pass through the liver before circulating organs throughout the body. Inside there are liver organ cells contain enzymes which change the substance of alcohol into water and carbon dioxide so as not to negatively affect other body parts.

Some liver cells die each time exposed by the substance of alcohol. However, because the liver is an organ that is tough, the heart can easily produce new cells. But the ability of the liver can regenerate these cells will eventually be compromised when you are constantly consuming alcohol in the long term. The result of the liver cannotmanufacture new cells that result in the heart being badly damaged.

The disadvantages of alcohol effect not only on consume, the fetus in womb may also be affected. Pregnant women who are consuming drinks containing alcohol are at risk of giving birth to a baby with disabled.

Consuming alcohol can also lead you into danger, as it had an accident due to driving a motor vehicle are inconsiderate due to the influence of alcohol. While being drunk, focus, mind and mind be disturbed so that you can be unconscious violence, such as fighting or hurting other people.

You can also just drop from the ladders being too drunk. Sexual intercourse withoutconscious or doing unsafe sex can also be done when influenced by alcohol.

Many of the at least someone drinking alcohol, can now be measured through gusts of breath. Just by blowing his breath, then it would seem that someone's alcohol levels, whether drunk light, moderate, or intoxicated drunk heavily.

Typically, the measurement of a person's intoxication levels can be measured by looking at the BAC, or Blood Alcohol Concentration. BAC is the percentage of alcohol levels in the blood of a person. At 0.05% BAC, a person's decision to become distracted, at 0.20% BAC, a person tends to have double vision and at 0.40% BAC, a person may be in a coma.

Read Also: Massaging Breast With Baby Oil

Herbal Ingredients to Handle Drunk
Image From: frigoscan.com

Herbal Ingredients to Handle Drunk

There are several things that can be done and some natural ingredients that can be used to tackle drunk alcohol, namely:


Honey contains fructose which is useful to break down the toxic alcohol element that goes into the body. When people get drunk heavily at night, it is recommended in the morning eat bread added honey because it could be a source of potassium and sodium are also addressing the body for the fight against alcohol.


Drinking a glass of milk before drinking alcohol will slow down alcohol absorption by the body.

Zinc and Vitamin B

An enzyme in the liver can convert the alcohol into acetaldehyde, namely, substances that cause facial flushing, headache, and nausea that are theeffects of a hangover. To detoxify this alcohol, liver enzymes require minerals zink (zinc) and B vitamins especially B1.

Drinking water

Dehydration is one of the main side effects of a hangover. Therefore if someone runs out of drinking, then reached home immediately after drinking 500 ml coconut water or plain water. This liquid will help hydration the body as well as increase the amount of electrolytes and glucose levels in the blood.

Orange juice or tomato

Fresh fruit juices can overcome the condition of drunkenness. Such as water, fruit juice helps detoxify as well as supplying the water content in the body. Drink fruit juice because of the sugar content in fruits (fructose) is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream so that it will push up energy in large quantities.A number of studies show fructose also took part in speeding up the Elimination oftoxins from the body, including the alcohol. Tomato juice and orange is believed to be the best, because it is also rich in nutrients such as vitamin C.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Health

Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Health
Image From: hariansehat.com

Benefits of Soursop Leaf for Health - Some time this last soursop leaves as well as the skin is very popular mangosteen so in the world of health. This kind of thing could not regardless of the role both in the world of healing. At this time we are talking about concentration uses soursop leaves for traditional medicine. This time sipendik will be commenting on do you know the benefits of Soursop leaves for health.

Soursop leaves now known for natural anticancer. This is because most compounds contained in it. In the soursop fruit compounds contain acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annomuricin, anomurine, annonacin, anonol, caclourine, gigantetronin, gentisic acid, linoleic acid, muricapentocin which acts to increase the immunity of the body.

Read Also: Massaging Breast With Baby Oil

Benefits Of Soursop Leaf

Below the benefits of soursop leaves that can be used for traditional medicine to cure various kinds of diseases and other health disorder.

1. as a cure for cancer

Soursop leaf is said to have 100 times the ability of chemotherapy to fight the cancer. His pace, take 10 sheets soursop leaves the old yg stew with 3 cups of water to the remaining 1 cups, drink 2 times each day throughout the 2 weeks. Soursop leaves can be used for chemotherapy even also more beneficial because just kills the cells grow normal and not let the cells grew normally.

Medication for asthma and shortness of breath
Image From: canadianpharmacymeds.com

2. Medication for asthma and shortness of breath

Prepare 7 soursop leaves a nest made by ants rang rang. Then squeeze and the capacity of the water to grab more or less 1/2 glasses. Drink every morning to your disease recover.

Read Also: Benefits of Mango Leaves For Human

3. As a cure Boils

Take some soursop leaves that stay young a number of 5 to 10 strands then paste at the places affected by boils to boils it so dry.

4. Mild Cough

For cough medicine easy, prepare 7 sheets soursop leaves young. Squeeze and the capacity of the water. Drink every morning before the moment of breakfast.

As a remedy of Lumbago
Image From: images.agoramedia.com

5. As a remedy of Lumbago

Soursop leaves can also be used for pain medication. His pace to prepare 20 Sheets soursop leaves and then steamed with 5 cups of water to live and drink 1 glass 3 times 3/4 glass vernacular.

6. As a remedy Gout

Mash most sheets soursop leaves until smooth and place or maybe paste the sick until not so sick anymore, generally be done till the day.

That's the article on do you know the benefits of Soursop leaves for health. Expected with the above article adds to our concern towards the plant yard turned out to have unexpected benefits much earlier. Benefits of soursop leaves you can make at any time if we need,

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Massaging Breast With Baby Oil

Massaging Breast With Baby Oil
Image From: netdna-cdn.com

The PRODUCTION of BREAST MILK is usually started day 2 to day 5 after you give birth. Before BREAST MILK coming out of the breast usually will continue to issue the regular yellow fluid called colostrum are very beneficial to your baby to form the immune system of the body.

Massaging Breast With Baby Oil The nipple should always maintained hygiene and the dryness. To keep the nipple in a State of dry, try to always exposed to air each completed nursing. Other ways so that the nipple is maintained his health is diligently wash from BREAST MILK before and after each feeding.

Read Also: Benefits of Mango Leaves For Human

Measures to clean the Nipple

  • Prepare towels, baby oil and cotton.
  • Put a towel under the breast.
  • Dampen a cotton swab with baby oil.
  • Compress both nipples with cotton for approximately 5 minutes.
  • Rub the cotton swab around the nipple or aerola creature brownish to lift impurities.
    Rub both hands with baby oil.

  • For a normal type of nipple (protruding outwards), use thumb and index finger that's been smeared in oil, to clean it up by doing circular motion towards the inside as much as 25 times. This helps increase the elasticity of the muscles of nipples.

  • For these types of nipples are flat or entered into, put both index finger each on the left and right nipple, then click slowly, as well as terraced suddenly outwards away from the nipple. After that, put the second index finger again each above and below the nipple. Press again slowly and then terraced suddenly outwards away from the nipple.

Step-by-step Breasts Massage
Image From: puerariamirificashop.com

Step-by-step Breasts Massage

Pour baby oil or olive oil into the Palm of the hand.

Put both hands in between both breasts then do massage start from the top, sideways outside, k down, and then toward the nipple, holding up the breasts slowly and releasing it slowly. Do as much as 25 times.

The left breast is elevated with the Palm of the left hand while the right hand with a side of pinkie breast massages ranging from the base of the chest toward the nipple. Do the same thing with the right breast, each 25 times.

Elevated left breast with his left hand. Use three fingers of the right hand to make a circular motion while pressing, starting from the base of the chest and end up on the nipple. Do the same thing with the right breast, each twice.

Compressing and Breast Care

Poultice both breasts with a cloth washcloth warm for approximately 3 minutes, then continue with the cloth washcloth to cool approximately 5 minutes too.

Use a washcloth to clean your last breast from olive oil or baby oil scar massage.

Do these three things above at least 1 time per day to maintain and take care of the breasts in order to provide optimal BREAST MILK to the fruit of your heart.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Benefits of Mango Leaves For Human

Benefits of Mango Leaves
Image From: stylecraze.com

Benefits of Mango Leaves For Human - Now again the mango season despite in all around the wordl area is up. Speaking mango sure that we know is the fruit are tasty and benefits but in fact in addition to the delicious fruit edible leaves also have properties and health benefits.

I'm sure you already know the mango leaves but may Do you not know benefit and usefulness of mango leaves, this time I would love to know what are the benefits and what benefit this mango leaves, to benefti are the benefits for our body is

Benefits Leaves Mango

So what are the benefits of mango leaves this? The following we will explain the benefits of mango leaves complete with how to use them:

1. Efficacy Mango leaves for diabetic angiopathy

This disease is known as vascular diseases in because of diabetes. not only that, a definite improvement observed in diabetes is mainly due to the healing effect of these compounds on the leaf veins in and around the pancreas. Tea made from mango leaves are also good in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and hypertension.

1 cup / mug every day with 2 tablespoons guava, mango or papaya juice would be ideal to strengthen the fragile veins and varicose veins.
Efficacy mango leaves to reduce high blood pressure
Image From: rebelem.com

2. Efficacy mango leaves to reduce high blood pressure

Not only that, Mango leaves can also treat anxiety in an individual. Two to three cups of tea can be added to bath water and used as a herbal bath to refresh the spirit and cool.

Read Also: Benefits of Having Sex In The Morning

3. Benefits of mango leaves to diarrhea, fever, insomnia and hypertension

It is seen as a common remedy for diabetes. Jamaica is known to use herbal medicines that are cheaper and most of the trees that grow on almost every page of your coming, that gives everyone easy access to alternative medicine.

1 cup each day with 2 tablespoons guava, mango or papaya juice would be ideal to strengthen the fragile veins and varicose veins.

Jumat, 16 September 2016

Benefits of Having Sex In The Morning

Benefits of Having Sex In The Morning
Image From: media.viva.co.id

Benefits of Having Sex In The Morning - Do you know the best cardio workout that can be done in the morning? Hint: everyone secretly wanted it to be the only exercise it needs to stay healthy.

Compared night, indeed only a few people who like sex in the morning. A narrow time, must be prepared to work and other activities that make us rush in the morning.

Benefits of Having Sex for Man and Woman

According to Queen's University in Belfast, three rounds of sex in the morning will nourish the heart. Interested? Here is a list of advantages of sex in the morning:

1. Improve blood circulation and balancing blood pressure

2. Throw away 300 calories per hour, reducing the chances of developing diabetes

3. Avoid migraines and another kinds of headaches

4. Reduce joint pain, such as arthritis

5. Having sex without a condom will make you happier and avoid depression

6. Your face will look younger and glint

Read Also : Benefits of Banana

7. Releasing hormones that will make your hair more radiant

8. Improving body immunity with increased antibody IgA

9. Avoid sexual anxiety

10. A man can last longer, because it rested before

11. It is a good way to wake up in the morning and start the day


After sleeping enough, male testosterone levels will rise sharply and when the increased testosterone will improve also the sexual arousal. The study in the Journals of Circadian Rhythms, 58 percent of couples having sex ranging from 23.00 to 01.00 on the weekend, and only a few are doing it at 06.00 am on Monday.

Kamis, 08 September 2016

Benefits of Banana

Benefits of Banana
Image From: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Benefits Bananas. Fruit that has a characteristic that is colored bright yellow skin and flesh of the banana which also has a yellow color somewhat paler indeed become a favorite fruit of Indonesian society. It has many types of bananas that are well known in Indonesia, such as no banana kepok, muli banana, banana, banana sunprize, and others. This kind of variety, the variety of all benefits gained.  food from bananas also vary, can be eaten directly or used as a raw material of the cake with bananas, such as banana cake, banana cake, banana fritters, Molen, and others. So clearly the favorite because of diverse types and processing that does not make it due to saturated bananas have a distinctive taste of sweetness, and makes it delicious to be a healthy snack.

In addition to having good taste of bananas it also contains nutrients that are good for the body. Turns usefulness not only for health but also be good for beauty treatments. Any benefits of bananas for the body, let's consider the following information.

Benefits of Bananas

Reduces Menstrual Pain

Most women would feel ever feel pain during menstruation. Sometimes the pain was the attacker in the stomach down to the waist. Menstrual period pain can be felt at the beginning of the first day and the second at the time of menstruation. So if you have often experienced it, from now on you can anticipate by eating bananas at your menstruation, and the pain will gradually disappear.

Streamlining Circulatory

There potassium and potassium that can help the metabolism of blood circulation. In which the circulation of oxygen to the brain will be smooth. If the blood circulation is normal and optimal working, it would be good also in the heart. So keep you from the risk of stroke.

Improve Mood

Research says pregnant women can be susceptible to stress. Especially for young mothers who have not been accustomed to experiencing pregnancy which then causes sick morning. This means that there  abnormal perch and the resulting stress. But if you eat bananas stress will be reduced, this could also be useful in addition to pregnant women.

Streamlining Digestive

There is a fiber content can accelerate intestinal systems work after eating a banana. Moreover consumed every day it will help the workings of the digestive tract.

Benefits of Banana to Preventing Heart Disease
Image From: gymflow100.com

Preventing Heart Disease

Vitamin C and flavonoids allegedly able to be an antioxidant in the body that prevents the formation of fat oxidation in the body that affects the heart. The content contained in bananas benefits that we consume.

Brightening Face

In addition to the health of the world banana is also capable of working in the world of beauty with efficacy can brighten the skin. Where treatment if the banana skin breakouts will treat inflammation then eliminate acne scars and remove dead skin cells that make skin look dull. How life can be consumed directly or made mask. Do it regularly for maximum results.

That was the information regarding the benefits and efficacy of bananas is good for health or beauty. In addition to the above benefits there are also other benefits that are not less important, especially for women, because the banana is suitable for women who want to do a diet program.

Usually when a diet is no ordinance that any diet program will make your heartburn rise, but by eating bananas to diet it can be reduced because there are active substances that reduce the acid causing heartburn. Because the banana is no excessive calories is not being able to control it ideal body weight. The benefits and usefulness will be most evident if consumed every day.